
Man who egged Russian embassy is a Russian war journalist

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Photo: Konstantin Sednev / Postimees

On Saturday night, police officers arrested a man in Tallinn's Old Town who was throwing eggs at the Russian embassy in front of them. Anti-Kremlin Russian war journalist Arkady Babchenko shared a photo of himself in a police car on social media after the news broke, and confirmed that he was the one who had done the looting.

A police spokesman said that on Saturday night, a man born in 1977 threw eggs at the wall of the Embassy of the Russian Federation. «A patrol on the scene detained the man and a case was opened against him,» the police said.

Babchenko, who has long written for Novaya Gazeta, Echo of Moscow and other independent news channels, emigrated to Ukraine in 2017 for his own safety. Among other things, he actively worked in the Ukrainian media, wrote Rus.Postimees.
