According to Eesti Energia's spokesperson Mattias Kaiv, offers are made based on current knowledge and no one knows what the future will bring. “In the case of the exchange package, you win in the first years, but in the last years you will pay more,” Kaiv did not rule it out.
The exchange price might fall
According to Hanschmidt, the 21-cent electricity price of Eesti Energia's seven-year fixed package is based on the assumption that the war in Ukraine will not end. “My gut feeling tells me that it may happen that the gas crisis will ease and the price of exchange electricity may still drop below the price of the universal service," Hanschmidt said.
According to the Ministry of Economy and Communications, 14 electricity sellers have announced that they offer universal service. These 14 cover 97 percent of all home consumers.
“The ministry recommends that home consumers whose electricity supplier does not offer universal service, be allowed to have general service, because even then the price of universal service will apply to them,” said Laura Laaster, head of public relations at the ministry. “It is important that the seller would not hold back the customer.”
In order to change the electricity supplier, it must be notified 14 days before the end of the month. Apartment cooperatives have a longer notice period: 30 days. A new contract can be concluded from the first day of the following month.