Although the application includes a time and estimations limit, the Ministry of Defense was unwilling to reveal the specific sum it hoped to receive. This would be premature; the amount the government would be willing to allocate is not yet known and it is yet unclear which capabilities could be obtained within two years.
The amount will be secret
It was emphasized that the defense sphere is not the only one seeking for extra funding; for example cyber-defense, which does not belong to the Ministry of Defense domain, has also submitted requests for additional money.
Jaak Aab (Center), Minister of Public Administration told Postimees that he was not yet informed of the application and added that he would learn about it at the Tuesday’s government sitting.
Minister of Finance Keit Pentus-Rosimannus (Reform) admitted that the additional budget is one option for meeting the expenses coming up immediately this year. “The government will listen to the advice of the military regarding the necessary and possible amount,” she said.
The minister added that everything possible must be done to strengthen national security. “This concerns our own domestic contribution and the contribution of our allies. We are now speeding up all opportunities. The government has spent these last weeks in very intensive negotiations to determine all details of allied presence. All these decisions work as a whole.”