Russian forces have caused much evil by attacking residential buildings. Fortunately, it is not (yet) about massive attacks on residential areas but individual attacks.
On Saturday afternoon together with our volunteer helper Igor we drove from Kiev center eastward to Beresteika district (ten kilometers from the Maidan) which had seen serious action that night. We could see obstacles on the roads, formed of large dump trucks and city buses which were meant to slow down the enemy’s advance.
Signs of battle everywhere
As we reached the site, the signs of a recent battle were evident everywhere: shot-up trucks and combat equipment of a Russian reconnaissance group, remains of their killed soldiers. The air was full of stifling stench of burning. Nearby, a soldier was brushing the debris away from the gates of a Ukrainian army unit’s base.
We could still hear gunfire from a dozen kilometers away and an air raid warning siren opened up. “Take cover! Incoming missile!” the soldiers shouted and we rushed to the gateway leading to the courtyard of an adjacent house.
Meanwhile Igor was trying to park his car at the curb. Since the windows were closed, he could not hear the sirens or shouting. We waved our arms around to hurry him up. He left the car standing, grabbed a heavy helmet from the cab, squeezed it on and raced as fast as he could.