What is the 104-year-old Estonia like? Must we only worry or is there reason for rejoicing?
There is always reason to rejoice because 104 years is a very important anniversary, but we also have to worry because joy and worries go hand in hand. This is what we are, worrying on the one hand, experienced on the other hand, but not yet entirely wise. This pendulum tends to swing between the two extremes. Sometimes we are very happy with ourselves and then very dissatisfied.
You have said that our common determination to keep our state going helps us to overcome crises. Do we have that determination?
I believe that most of out people have that determination; I could say that almost everybody. Bit it must be a sign of the times that the voice of those without that determination is louder and those satisfied and having that determination are simply silent, carry on with their everyday work and stand for the progress of our country.
When traveling around Estonia, do you perceive the rift in the society the same way as we perceive it by following the press and social media? Can these rifts become dangerous?
The rifts are there. As I took over, I promised to start stitching together out Estonian state so that the differences of opinion would not be that great. There are different rifts in different places, there are different opinions, but unfortunately, some are escalating in a manner we would not like to see. We should remain polite after all; I am talking primarily about politicians. Different opinions will always be there; it is one of the features of democracy that people have different opinions can express them, but if it turns into attacks and insults, I consider it unacceptable and something should be done about it.