Shortcomings in communication
Siret Kotka, head of the parliamentary social affairs committee (Center Party) said that all those involved should take a look in the mirror, but she was unwilling to answer directly to a question about responsibility. “Various reorganizations should be taken seriously and all actions must be carefully planned. The causes of this incident should be sought in shortcomings in communication and negligence and all of those involved should take a look in the mirror,” she said.
Kotka described as nice that the minister admitted shortcomings in her department and apologized. “Since pensioners are the most vulnerable as to their subsistence, I hope very much that the delays with the delivery did not have tragic consequences.”
“It was an unfortunate coincidence but this does not mean that it could not have been prevented and the transition made easier for the public since the switch of partners was known,” said social affairs committee member Priit Sibul (Isamaa). He commented the fact that the apparent culprit would be the SKA director general rather than the minister as follows: “Changes are carried out in cooperation with the minister and the minister is responsible for their organization.”
Helmen Kütt, vice-chairperson of the social affairs committee (Social Democrats) said that once the service provider was changed, the risks should have been minimized. “People live from pension to pension and if the money is not delivered on the determined day, it can cause serious problems. It is a matter of medicines, inflation and everything else. Pensions are low.”
She added; “If something like that happens, someone has to take responsibility. I remember the Maret Maripuu case well. Is this situation exactly the same? It is hard to say, I do not know all the technicalities. The service provider was changed and it is regrettable that the data was that different. The previous service provider had the exactly same information and the pensions reached the recipients every month. I cannot understand how it failed after the change,” Kütt said.