Four-year old boy dies on adjacent operating table
When she came to and turned her head, a child was lying next to her with doctors operating on him. She later learned the four-year old boy had also been wounded during the midtown unrest and later died.
Doctors removed three Kalashnikov assault rifle bullets and pieces of metal from the car from Begaidarova’s abdomen. The fourth bullet had passed clean through her. While her internal organs were injured, the doctors managed to prevent the worst. Even though getting caught in assault rifle fire cannot exactly be described as luck, one of the bullets missed a major nerve by a centimeter, while another narrowly missed her spine.
Begaidarova did not see the shooter as she was busy navigating her way through burning vehicles. The evening was dark and foggy.
“I only remember fragments of coming out of surgery – I fell asleep, woke up, slept and awoke again. I was on heavy painkillers. I was given a shot that put me back to sleep as soon as I woke up and started making noise.”
Begaidarova’s youngest turned one when she was lying in a hospital bed. “They also took their first steps without me, I only got to see a video of it,” she said with tears in her eyes.