I can highlight as an important milestone bringing the forestry development plan out of deadlock. We have created a forestry development plan managing committee comprised mostly of scientists that will help the ministry put together a new knowledge-based development plan in which process different interest groups will be involved.
I have been working toward easing felling pressure on state forests from the first. For this purpose, we have agreed that State Forest Manager Ltd. (RMK) will be required to pay less dividend in the future. The dividend expectation for RMK will be lowered by €8 million.
The other topic I focused on is achieving climate neutrality. This is reflected in Estonia’s and EU positions at climate negotiations in Glasgow as well as efforts in Estonia.
Estonia supports the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” target. We are in the process of agreeing on a set of general goals in Estonia. Said efforts that transcend ministries are being coordinated by the Green Policy Managing Committee.
Achieving climate neutrality cannot be left to chance. In addition, it comes with considerable social benefits: more energy-efficient homes that are cheaper to heat and cool, clean environment, environmentally friendly transport and a greener and more resilient energy system. We are currently discussing package details with interest groups and other ministries to shape Estonia’s positions for what are shaping up to be difficult negotiations.