Ott thanked everyone who has stood up for the area of culture throughout the coronavirus crisis.
"The field of culture has had to make very important decisions and it has been a great honor to work side by side with the people who have worked hard to preserve cultural life," she said.
Ott added that rapid decisions have been needed to mitigate risks stemming from the coronavirus crisis.
The minister said that a situation has currently arisen where the government has been unable to reach an agreement with regard to compensation measures for culture for several weeks, whereas the coalition partner [Reform Party] only wants to introduce new restrictions.
"Meanwhile, each supplementary restriction has had more of an impact than those introduced at the start of the crisis or this spring," Ott said.
She added that if the state establishes restrictions, it also needs to lend a helping hand and compensate for their effects.
"It is my personal decision that I cannot continue as minister of culture in this government," Ott said. "We need to overcome this crisis together and we cannot achieve it by labeling and insulting one another."
On October 20, Ott still said that she had no intention to resign. She opined that while the criticism she received from the field of culture was necessary, it had mainly been caused by general tensions surrounding the coronavirus crisis.