The premier also emphasized the importance of compliance with measures to make it possible to keep society open and for hospitals to help all patients, not just those with Covid. “If your decision not to get vaccinated is final, please take extra care of yourself and avoid contacts until the infection rate goes down,” she said.
Kallas also said that vaccination rates are high in the Nordics because of a social agreement that this is a health crisis in which the opposition supports the government. Citizens of Finland and Sweden also have a more positive view of vaccines in general.
Experts mulling isolation requirement for vaccinated close contacts
While vaccinated close contacts of people diagnosed are currently not obligated to isolate, the Health Board and the education minister’s scientific advisor Mario Kadastik find that immunized close contacts should isolate in cases where the infected person is a family member.
Data suggests that vaccinated people very seldom catch the virus when taking public transport or attending indoor events, with most taking ill after a family member is diagnosed. For example, parents of children who catch the virus at school do not currently have to isolate if they have been vaccinated.
“Family contacts sport a high risk. If we were to limit the movements of vaccinated people, it would need to start there,” said Mari-Anne Härma, deputy director of the Health Board. Kadastik added that he believes Estonia should order the additional measure in the current situation.
Härma said that vaccination efforts should prioritize booster shots for the elderly and especially administering first shots to unvaccinated people. The number of vaccine shots administered more than doubled last week when over 10,500 people, twice the figure from the week before, were given the first jab.
Härma explained that vaccinated people do not suffer as much from the disease and recover more quickly, meaning they are also contagious for a shorter time.