The Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) managed to double its previous local elections’ vote yield from 39,003 in 2017 to 77,321 in 2021. Still, as EKRE currently tops nationwide party popularity polls, the result might be less than what its leaders hoped for. The national conservatives won Pärnu, fast becoming known as Estonia’s Texas, as well as Järva, Räpina and Põlva municipalities.
Eesti 200 vote yield
Isamaa took 48,886 total votes, up from 46,394 last time, winning Jõgeva, Muhu, Kohila, Viljandi and Elva municipalities. The party also took the city of Rakvere where it quickly formed a coalition with the Center Party.
The Estonian Greens managed to boost its result from 4,669 votes in 2017 to 6,310 this time.
Newcomers Eesti 200 made a grand entrance, taking 6 percent of all votes (35,333). While the party did not manage to win a single city of municipality, it now has far more political capital than previously.
The remaining parties and election coalitions lost votes compared to 2017, with the Social Democratic Party losing half the votes it got at previous local elections, going from 60,299 votes in 2017 to just 29,102 in 2021.
Major surprises
Minister of Finance Keit Pentus-Rosimannus (Reform) took 3,586 votes despite being unable to serve on the city council as a member of the government. Stellar results were put in by Tallinn city district elders Vladimir Svet and Lauri Laats, with the latter boosting his result from 1,044 votes in 2017 to 8,466 recently. Eesti 200 leader Kristina Kallas managed 3,000 votes in Tartu and Marek Reinaas (also Eesti 200) took 1,939 votes in the capital. Former PM, Center Party leader Jüri Ratas took 3,035 votes, down from 8,017 when he last ran in 2013.