Our skill at respectful debate has been hampered, and we know why. Misogynous statements have been made from on high that do not treat with where a person stands but what they are like physically. None of it facilitates a rapport and debate climate has admittedly been not what I like to see.
Is there hope we won’t get lost in our echo chambers?
There is. Meeting with children in schools, they understand what I’m saying.
With any dispute, it involves 5, 15 or at most 30 percent of society. The rest continue leading their lives and making entirely different agreements. The media makes it look like it is 50 percent on either side of the divide.
Every issue has its nuances and deserves discussion. It makes no sense to argue over whether the green turn will happen or not – it will happen no matter what. The most sensible thing to do in this situation is to see how we can retain recent economic volume by using green energy. And we need to move fast.
Criticism has concerned getting ahead of ourselves instead.
You need an excuse for not having made the necessary decisions for 5, 10 or 15 years.
We often make the mistake of thinking that 30 years of development in Estonia is just nature. We have been brought where we are. Our monetary system, tax system, education system, digital life, why not also our gene depository – all are things someone somewhere has decided. Compositions of the Riigikogu have voted for these things and Estonia has been led here. And failure to make decisions not only means we have been paying people for something they haven’t done – that cost is trifling. It means that everyone looking at an exorbitant electricity bill today has to pay for it. Poor management is expensive.