He could not say what the conditions could be like where the wreck of the ferry lies at a depth of 80 meters. “The weather is always the main parameter at sea,” he said. While the weather is said to be calm on Wednesday, a storm is forecast for Thursday. Waves a meter high are forecast to be replaced by five-meter ones.
“The greatest challenge is not the depth, but cold water. Entering the wreck also comes with certain risks. But other than that, we anticipate no great challenges,” Olszewski said.
Car deck a priority
The diver has his plan and mission. “There are several points of interest. The car deck will be our main goal as the bow ramp is completely detached now. You can imagine sunken trucks,” he said, adding that a rare opportunity to enter the hull and film the situation there has presented itself. “But it will be safety first,” Olszewski added.
He has entered the wreck of MS Estonia once before. It was in 2000 when the bow ramp was only slightly ajar, he recalls. “There was not much room to enter the hull, maybe 80-100 centimeters. I visited the car deck, but only went in a couple of meters,” Olszewski, who first started diving in the 1990s, said.
The situation will be mapped using a UUV or an underwater robot before the dive. Olszewski emphasized that the goal is to get an idea of the extent of damage between the car deck and the decks above it. That will give us an idea of how damage looks from inside the ship,” he said.