You will have divers with you. Because the bow ramp is no longer blocking access to the car deck for unknown reasons, do you plan to enter the deck?
The first priority of our investigation is to map, record and scan damage to the vessel. But yes, we also plan to enter the car deck.
Our first task will be to determine the situation of the bow area. But since the car deck is now accessible, we plan to survey it as far as can be done safely. The material will allow us to analyze vehicles on top of the scrap heap and whether any are missing when compared to the ship’s manifest.
Will you be studying the deck using robots or divers?
Both, while robots will be in charge of most of the efforts. The divers will be there to assist.
Will you be looking for military equipment or missing persons?
No, we will not be examining dead bodies or bringing anyone up.
As concerns military technology, we will record the situation on the car deck but will not be navigating that maze of scrap metal in search of military equipment.
The underwater surveys carried out (by the Estonian Safety Investigation Bureau – ed.) in July were plagued by a mysterious signal. Head of the state’s investigation Rene Arikas has said he has no plan to determine its source. What will you do should the same signal disrupt your efforts?