While this question should rather be put to Tanel Kiik, was Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Marika Priske sacrificed to appease the public?
As you said, this question should indeed be put to Tanel Kiik. There have been problems with vaccination. Let us take if only the vaccination plan. Changes were clearly needed. The secretary general wields enough power in the ministry to improve organization of affairs. I sincerely hope things will improve after the switch.
The government is looking at tough negotiations come fall. In short: the state budget. Will Reform stick with its strict austerity policy from this spring?
The Reform Party wants state finances to be tidy. That is what we will be proceeding from regarding the state budget strategy (RES). In truth, a deficit of nearly a billion was planned over four years, with the previous RES prescribing cuts without any details. That was the plan already. It was simply that the new government would have had to find that saving.
We still favor orderly finances, while Minister of Finance Keit Pentus-Rosimannus can give you more detailed information. Let us also wait for the new economic forecast.
And should it be encouraging?
Let us wait for the forecast and see.
When the fiscal strategy was unveiled in spring, the Center Party told people that we will wait for the fall, that actual decisions remain in the future and cuts will not happen.
That is not strictly accurate. The strategy was put together between the partners. They were mutual agreements and understandings. The previous government ran by the Center Party wanted to revise the budget, which is what this government has done in reduced volume compared to the initial plan.