The government decided last spring to distribute 745 million euros worth of crisis support between the worst-hit enterprises via the Unemployment Insurance Fund, Enterprise Estonia (EAS), KredEx and MES.
The MES funds often reached enterprises which had not suffered through loss of income more than others which never asked for air or never received it, the National Audit Office report shows.
The largest share among enterprises receiving loans and loan guarantees via MES were farming, forestry and fishery enterprises. The report showed that the 2020 crisis hit these activities less severely than others and that sales of the firms receiving support declined on the average even less than among enterprises of the same field, which never received aid.
It also appeared that in general the drop in turnover of the firms not receiving the MES support was larger than that of the recipients of aid. In case of recipients of support the average decline of turnover was -7.2 percent while among those not receiving support - 8.6 percent. To compare: in case of KredEx, which also distributed loans and loan guarantees, the drop of support recipients’ turnover was -25.1 percent and that of non-recipients -8.6 percent.
Since the number of enterprises benefiting from the measures was relatively low it is not possible to reach significant conclusions regarding most activities. For example, in the spheres of education, information and communication, health care and social work, there were only one or two recipients of support.