How should the Estonian education system ensure a proper Estonian education for every child, irrespective of the language they speak at home?
We have a functional, sensible and socially unoffensive solution work on which started when we were still in the government. Our plan was to introduce in-depth language classes on the kindergarten level that would continue in grades one through four etc. That would basically solve the problem in roughly 15 years.
As a nationalist party, we do not want to see Estonian children deprived of an Estonian-speaking environment.
What is your message in Ida-Viru County? EKRE have become active in the region lately. You will have an election list in Narva come local elections. What is your message there?
We have three simple messages.
We protect the traditional family. We are against immigration. What this means for Russians is that when a Ukrainian comes to Estonia, the first job they will take away is one where Russian is spoken.
Thirdly, we are the only party for the survival of the oil shale industry. All three are areas where Center has betrayed their core voter.
You’ve said that EKRE proceeds on the principles of “provocation, escalation and never apologize.” Is this still your motto or have there been developments?