That said, we have always maintained friendly relations with Russia. But because Russian authorities are supporting the violence Lukashenko’s regime is visiting on the people, there are fewer people today who would like a close relationship with Russia.
Where could events in Belarus go from here? How far is Lukashenko willing to go to quash protests? Is the regime willing to arrest tens of thousands more on top of 30,000 people already arrested?
I believe that Lukashenko realizes he has lost. He is looking for a way out. He wants to save face after losing. But I think he is willing to arrest more people and use violence. We would not like it to continue!
Our protests are peaceful and constitutional, while what his OMON and other security forces are doing is illegitimate and contrary to international law.
We do not know how far he will go, however, if we listen to recordings of Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Karpenkov’s speeches, many more may suffer and tens of thousands be arrested. It needs to stop, and we are looking for ways to do that. Together with international organizations – OSCE et al. – and the international public.
What helps Belarusians stay calm and peaceful even if brutal violence is used against them? How long will non-violent protests work and could demonstrations become bloodier in the future?