Asked what kind of a message a plan for a unified school system would send Center’s Russian voters, head of the party’s negotiating team Mailis Reps said the party’s messages are the same for all their voters. Reps added that Center wants to ensure a high-quality education system in which moving to the next level would be a possibility for everyone.
United Russia agreement to remain
Reps said that Russian schools will not be closed. “Based on the agreement today, we will be creating additional opportunities and strengthening Estonian-language studies on the elementary education level. Mass school closures weren’t even discussed today,” Reps clarified.
The parties agreed on national security values on Saturday, promising to stand for the rule of law, freedom, democracy and human rights.
The Center Party will not be annulling its 2004 cooperation agreement with Russia’s ruling United Russia party following the arrest of Alexey Navalny on Sunday.
Mailis Reps, who signed the document for Center in 2004, said that times were different then and Russia-relations have cooled since then.
Reps emphasized that party chairman Jüri Ratas has publicly condemned Navalny’s detention. “As concerns the agreement, we have said on numerous occasions that it is not relevant, it has not been amended and it has been all but forgotten in terms of its contents.”
Kaja Kallas said that Center has not placed national security in jeopardy because of the agreement and that Reform is not demanding its nullification.