The Estonian government will impose extensive COVID-19 restrictions in Harju County and extend the measures already in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Ida-Viru County.
The Estonian government will impose extensive COVID-19 restrictions in Harju County and extend the measures already in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Ida-Viru County.
In addition, from Dec. 24, a 50 percent occupancy requirement for worship services will apply across the country. To compensate for the economic damage caused by the new restrictions, members of the government also agreed on subsidies for the most affected economic sectors. Total support amounts to €23 million. The government will issue separate orders for both restrictions and support measures.
"Given the accelerated spread of coronavirus in Tallinn and Harju County, the increasing occupancy of local hospitals and the spread of coronavirus among hospital staff, we have to make difficult decisions to protect our medical system from overload and ensure access to medical care," Prime Minister Jüri Ratas said. "Unfortunately, we can see that the existing measures have not been enough to slow down the growth trend of the virus. Based on the views of the COVID-19 advisory council and the Health Board, the government decided to impose more extensive restrictions in Harju County and Tallinn in order to break the chains of infection. In order to stop the spread of the virus, Estonians need to spend Christmas in a narrow family circle. In this way, we can express solidarity with society as a whole and contribute to halting the growth of the spread of the coronavirus."
Restrictions apply in Harju County and East-Viru County from Dec. 28 to Jan. 17.
Entertainment services are prohibited everywhere, including casinos, bowling and pool halls, adult clubs and the premises of accommodation establishments. Accommodation establishments may continue to provide accommodation services.
All sales and service halls of catering companies must be closed to customers. Food takeaway and related delivery service will be allowed.
All sports facilities must be closed for visitors, including gyms, saunas, spas, water parks and swimming pools. Restrictions do not apply to professional athletes, including championship teams, team members and team candidates. The restriction also does not apply to people with special needs.
Public meetings and events, including conferences, theater performances, concerts and indoor cinemas, are prohibited. Museums and exhibitions must also be closed to visitors. Up to 10 people can take part in public events and meetings outdoors.
Youth work, hobby activities and education, refresher training and education, as well as sports and coaching are prohibited indoors. All these activities are allowed outdoors for groups of up to 10 people and a coach.
Kindergartens and childcare facilities will remain open, but guidelines issued by the Health Board and the local authority to prevent the spread of the virus must be followed.
From Dec. 24, a 50 percent space occupancy restriction will apply to public worship services. A 50 percent occupancy limit will be applied to worship and religious services throughout Estonia in order to avoid the risk of the coronavirus spreading during the Christmas holidays. Masks must still be worn indoors, disinfection requirements must be met and other measures to prevent the spread of the virus must be followed.
The government extended restrictions on the field of education until Jan. 10 inclusive. The extension of restrictions applies to general education schools, vocational training institutions, institutions of professional higher education and universities. In those schools where the break ends before January 10, grades 1-4 can starts studies in the school building. The restrictions, which will come into force after January 10, will be discussed by the government at a Cabinet meeting next week.
In addition, the government also discussed compensation for restrictions that significantly affect economic life by sector in Harju County and compensations arising from the extension of restrictions in Ida-Viru County. Compensation measures for companies in Harju County concern accommodation, catering, entertainment (casinos), as well as culture, sports, private hobby education and activities. The measures total €23 million. The content of the measures is the compensation of labor taxes according to the jobs located in the county, as well as the subsidies directed through the field of culture and education.