How many samples is SYNLAB analyzing today and how are they divided between Estonia and Finland?
SYNLAB’s testing capacity currently stands at 8,000-10,000 daily samples, while we realistically analyze 5,000-6,000 tests every day. The volume has remained around 30,000 weekly tests over the last four weeks. This makes up less than a tenth of all tests analyzed by SYNLAB’s Tallinn laboratory.
We implemented a technical process similar to what we have in our Tallinn laboratory in Finland in early October, with the addition of some automation improvements. We analyze roughly 50,000 weekly tests there most of which have been commissioned by the Finnish state. All in all, we have analyzed over 750,000 COVID-19 PCR tests in our Tallinn laboratory of which 420,000 for Estonia.
How many people are working on coronavirus tests?
We have 650 people on testing all over Estonia. Around 350 collect samples and register people for testing, over 110 people are working in our call center, with 80 people in three shifts in charge of the actual testing in our Tallinn lab. We also have 40 people in home testing squads, 30 drivers for transporting samples and 70 people providing support services. We signed a contract with Tallink this week with whom we trained 60 customer service administrators to support our public testing call center.