Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (Center Party) told Postimees that because Ida-Viru County has the highest case rate in Estonia, tougher measures have to be taken.
“I have visited the Ida-Viru County Central Hospital and Narva Hospital and been told the situation is extremely serious,” the PM said. Ratas added that the situation is made more complicated by the fact that the healthcare system is overloaded and efforts are needed to maintain at least some planned treatment capacity.
Next moment of truth next week
Ratas emphasized that the COVID-19 scientific council and the Health Board’s additional measures package was not completed until Tuesday. Minister of Social Affairs Tanel Kiik (Center) found that the government has worked very quickly: “The proposal was made on Tuesday morning and the government decided on Wednesday and will issue the formal order tomorrow (today – ed.).” However, information available to Postimees suggests that the measures have been in the works for some time.
The new restrictions are based on viral spread statistics. “The restrictions we had before have not had the desired effect,” Ratas admitted.
Can people from other areas visit Ida-Viru County? “We have said that we will not cut off any county,” Kiik said. The minister explained that trips for work or taking care of relatives are allowed, while people should refrain from visiting friends or attending birthday parties in Ida-Viru County.