Have hospitals discussed the ethics committee document from spring with guidelines should triage become necessary?
The debate was held in spring. It could become relevant again as the problem is becoming more serious. We have not currently discussed when to implement triage. But it’s there should things progress to that point. A decision will be made for each individual patient. But we are still far from that situation today.
There have been stories lately of young people who usually go through a milder version of the disease failing to fully recover. People are complaining of losing their sense of smell and taste and of chronic fatigue. It is possible these effects are permanent?
There have been quite a few articles now and it is what’s known as long Covid. The articles started in Italy where people still had three or four symptoms left three months after being discharged from hospital. We know the people who have been hospitalized and quite a few have long Covid. The main symptom is fatigue, with 98 percent reporting disproportionate tiredness two to four months after leaving the hospital. Headaches, muscle pains, shortness of breath, trouble concentrating – these are the symptoms. It is reality for me. It is not a bubble or conspiracy theory of some sort. It exists and people are complaining.
These are microinjuries, while people who are brought to the hospital have macroinjuries. The latter are suffering from changes in the lungs, while we cannot see what is happening on the level of small receptors, small blood vessels. The virus’ spike proteins can latch onto different places. If they attach themselves to the heart, they create heart disease. We feel tired if the pump is not working correctly.
Is it possible we will never be rid of the disease?
Time will tell. I cannot promise you anything one way or the other.