I cannot remember it word-for-word, but I asked where his office stands regarding potential private surveillance having taken place. Surveillance of the children. That was all.
No, we have not found the time to discuss it yet. Perhaps they are still analyzing the case. It has been a busy day, but I’m sure I will get a reply.
The Estonian Association of Journalists compared your SMS to the prosecutor general to the so-called phone rights of the Soviet occupation. How do you comment?
How should the justice minister and the prosecution that lies in his administrative area communicate? Using SMS messages, phone calls and correspondence. All are ways of communicating. We are not sending forms back and forth. I did not order anything launched, terminated or held back.
Did reporters have the right to investigative use of the minister’s company car?
Absolutely. Had the vehicle been photographed parked near the school gate, behind the kindergarten fence or even next to where Reps lives but without the children depicted. It is very good when journalists are keeping an eye on use of state property. The press needs to maintain corresponding efforts. But placing minors in the public eye for the purpose of creating suspense, placing them in a disadvantaged position – that is unacceptable.