The conclusion I need to draw is that I have to work harder on sorting out my calendar.
Allow me to repeat the question. Do you feel you should apologize to people?
I most certainly apologize for having violated people’s feelings of justice.
Your former fellow Center Party member Raimond Kaljulaid (now with the opposition Social Democrat Party – ed.) said you should resign.
I feel that if a scandal starts interfering with my work – to be available 24 hours a day in the administrative area of education, especially during the coronavirus period when I obviously have to spend too much time on my driver’s work organization – adjustments are in order.
I clearly see that I have not been thorough enough in trying to compromise between working and having enough time to drive my kids around.
The prime minister spoke up in your defense. Have you found time to discuss the situation with other ministers?
A lot of people have voiced support as colleagues and members of the government in recent hours.
Let us talk briefly about the coronavirus crisis in schools. Will older classes be put on remote learning again at some point?
Should we shut down society? I’m convinced that we should not do it today. I know there are a lot of people who feel that shutting it down for three or four weeks would bring the infection rate down. But closing schools, cultural institutions or banning walking the streets would be disproportional. Our situation is not critical enough to warrant it.