You know, I asked him what for? I had just settled in at the Riigikogu Constitutional Committee (Laneman was made chairman of the committee on October 20 – ed.) and it was starting to get interesting. But then we had a conversation about why it is necessary. I named a few people who I found to be better suited than myself. Anyway, that was our conversation.
I have tried not to seek office but to rise to challenges, especially the ones that interest me.
When did you say you would do it?
The final conversation and agreement took place last night. It was shaping up on Tuesday, but we took a few days to mull things over. Martin Helme and I spoke last night. I dare not give you the time in fear of getting it wrong. (Laughs.)
You have run in two elections (2017 local elections, 99 votes; 2019 Riigikogu elections, 673 votes). You joined EKRE in March of 2019. What was the motivation?
You know, it probably doesn’t sound good, but I was invited by friends. (Laughs.) I had been involved in the national defense sector for years, had some free time and did not like some of the things that were happening on the local level. Merger of rural municipalities where social services suffered etc. My friends told me to stop simply criticizing and get involved.