The two initial versions of the public vote that has also been referred to as the marriage referendum (legal experts disagree on whether Estonian law provides for non-binding referendums – ed.) were released on October 29 and immediately drew heavy criticism. “Does the Republic of Estonia recognize marriage only as a union between a man and a woman?” and “Is marriage only valid as a union between a man and a woman in the Republic of Estonia?” (The questions were described as redundant since the Family Act currently states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman – ed.)
A single question and plebiscite topic to remain
Two new options have now surfaced: “Should marriage remain a union between a man and a woman” vs “Does marriage need to remain a union between a man and a woman?”
Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise has been consulted on the latter phrasing.
“I believe it should be legally competent,” said chairman of junior coalition partner Isamaa Helir-Valdor Seeder.
Jüri Ratas said that the matter of whether to ask other questions has been put to bed and marriage will be the only topic. “The question has been agreed on, but since we are still working on the bill, we will have a final agreement once all details are set,” the PM said.
Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise wrote on social media that she will not analyze the phrasing of the question before the matter lands in the Riigikogu. The justice chancellor’s final position will be voiced after the plebiscite decision has been passed.
Public broadcaster ERR wrote on Thursday that the opposition Social Democratic Party (SDE) has vowed to introduce so many motions to amend to make processing of the plebiscite bill impossible. The same tactic was successfully used against a coalition bill to dissolve the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee (ERJK) in spring.