“The prime minister can, in a tragicomical move, continue quoting the coalition agreement that promised us a coherent society until the cows come home. That text and the prime minister’s words are long since empty. There will be a new week, a new scandal and a new hollow apology from PM Jüri Ratas,” Kallas said, adding that she still hopes Ratas will get his act together over the weekend and remove Helme from office in a statesmanlike move.
“In any normal government, the expression of such words would result in the minister’s immediate sacking as we are now talking about incitement of hatred and efforts to undermine the Estonian state on multiple points,” Reform Party deputy chairman Jürgen Ligi found. He said that once again, it is not about the rhetoric. “These positions are carefully weighed and rehearsed in kolkhoz cultural centers, with the Helmes believing that they reserve the right to be abnormal,” Ligi said. According to the politician, EKRE are counting on their misanthropy to bring them votes and feel that the Estonian state and the rest of its people do not matter.
Helme’s answers were also criticized by President Kersti Kaljulaid who said that a minister who shares such convictions is unfit to serve in the government of the Republic of Estonia. She added that she has met with PM Ratas to discuss Helme’s future in the government.
Chairman of the Conservative People’s Party (EKRE), Mart Helme’s son Martin Helme said that his father’s answers given in Russian were mistranslated and that Helme really said that “gays can run around in Sweden” and has not suggested he wants homosexual people to leave Estonia.