However, I would stress that tourism will recover in the big picture and we need to hold on until then. Tourism makes up a considerable part of the Estonian economy and we need to ask why. We do not have favorable climate to attract visitors. The answer is efforts made over decades. A decision and capacity to safeguard the sector is vital.
Some 15,000 jobs are at stake. Which positions are we talking about?
All tourism sector jobs, including rural tourism. The latter is often the sole employer in small communities. A person can theoretically learn a new trade in Tallinn, while finding something like that could be very difficult in the country.
Therefore, it concerns everyone directly tied to tourism. It is one big system. We are also integrated with the rest of the world, so we cannot say that tourism doesn’t matter. It does!
Regarding the salary support instrument, the government could fear that other sectors will also demand exceptions once one is made for the hospitality industry.
Yes, and I understand the government. We are always told that exceptions are very complicated.
Statistics suggests the share of tourism in the salary support instrument was 11 percent. I would very much like to verify could it really have been so small! Just 11 percent, not 50 or 80 percent, looking at how much the sector has suffered.