You are the only female bank manager in Estonia. Why are there so few?
I have thought about it and I don’t rightly know. I know that a lot of capable women work as middle managers in banks, also at Bigbank. They are in charge of a unit, organize their own work and that of their employees as they see fit, measure results, help and support their colleagues. It’s fantastic if a woman enjoys doing all that!
Still, why are there so few female top executives?
I do not know how many women have run for bank manager and been denied the position. The group’s management board is made up of men also at Bigbank. However, I do not believe women have been unfairly and consciously excluded. That is just how it has turned out.
Should we somehow promote women in management? Lay down quotas?
It would be terrible if someone started putting women in charge by force! Banking has enough regulations one needs to follow. Adding artificial gender quotas – it would be terrible. It would also be degrading as it would create a whole new term: a quota woman. You’re sitting there at the board meeting like a pink elephant in the middle of the room, with everyone around you thinking you might not be the best, that there might have been more suitable candidates. Let women make it to management for being the best choice for the job, not because of quotas! And if they want to continue working as middle executives, they should have that chance too.