“It is also not true that Ilves recalled me from Moscow early. In truth, my assignment was extended by a few months and instead of being recalled, I started work as the ministry’s deputy secretary general following an in-house competition. These rumors spread by Tarand and Ilves constitute slander and only serve the purpose of political point-scoring. I’m announcing my intent to turn to court as defamation cannot be a non-punishable activity in Estonia.”
Postimees asked the prosecution to assess whether events referenced by Ilves and Tarand that took place at the foreign ministry 20 years ago could result in a criminal investigation today but was told that as far as penal law is concerned, the matter is expired.
Press adviser for the Office of the Prosecutor General Kairi Küngas said that the prosecution could only determine whether a criminal offense was committed after studying the circumstances that cannot be done based on media coverage alone. “Because this case is from more than 20 years ago, it is expired as far as penal law is concerned and the prosecution is not in a position to provide such assessments,” she explained.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves did not wish to comment on the potential action, while Postimees was also unable to secure a comment from Indrek Tarand.