Tanel Kiik said that Helme’s blessing is not needed to pay out the sums as the State Support Services Center answers to Minister of Public Administration Jaak Aab (Center) instead.
A can of worms
Aab said on Thursday that should Helme and Kiik fail to find a solution, he will have to sort things out himself. “It’s a shame the finance ministry did not come to me before sending that letter,” Aab said regarding the decision to pull financing.
He admits that the matter is a real tangle. “Both are right to an extent,” Aab said, adding that the finance minister is in his rights to exercise control over use of tax proceeds. On the other hand, legitimate expectation has been created for the NGOs, which is why the state should continue making payments at least for the time being. “The National Audit Office also said that either the law needs to be rendered more specific or alternative funding found,” Aab said. This would mean a debate over support in 2022. Kiik said that sources of funding would have to be revised or the law amended in that case.
The social minister, who says he has been given feedback on this matter from six different state agencies, emphasized that the finance minister has no right to issue precepts to the RTK or cancel payments to NGOs overnight. “The situation today is that the order was given by the acting finance minister (EKRE’s Raul Siem – ed.) who had no right to issue it, making it illegal,” Kiik said.