Even though competition is much closer on the lithium batteries market, Skeleton is by no means the only manufacturer of supercapacitors and has to compete with China’s national railroad company, U.S. electronics giant Eaton but also Elon Musk’s Tesla that acquired another former competitor Maxwell last year. Skeleton believes its technology is superior as its capacitors have four times the power/energy density.
Strong link to the climate turn
“And as concerns Tesla entering the market, it even had a positive effect for us,” Madiberk says. “While Tesla is seen as a strong company of the future, it does not have the reputation of a reliable supplier. That left several of Maxwell’s former clients uneasy and caused them to look to alternatives, including us.”
Skeleton has firmly tied its business to the climate turn. Madiberk is convinced that environmentally friendly high-tech companies that help pave the way to a carbon neutral economy constitute the greatest opportunity for Estonia since the internet revolution. “We have top level natural sciences and mathematics education, we are well-versed in IT and we have the startup mindset,” he says in terms of what Estonia has going for it.
Madiberk is convinced that sustainable economic solutions are the only way to save the planet from a climate disaster. “Simply putting life on hold and shutting down production won’t save anything in the long run,” he says. He gives as an example the fact that according to the International Energy Agency, the global coronavirus crisis only reduced global emissions by 8 percent that is clearly too little for such a massive economic sacrifice. “The things that can help us move forward are keeping calm, innovation and new and more effective technologies,” the CEO says.