I understand that you will visit Tarraste tomorrow (Wednesday) and take some newspapers with you. Have you talked to him again since his arrest yesterday?
He asked for newspapers. Did he have other requests?
One of the main reasons I will visit him tomorrow (Wednesday) is his desire to make a public statement as there is considerable public intertest. Whether it will work out and what that statement will be… cannot be said at this time.
Do you have a relatively clear picture of events? Of what happened in Lihula?
No, absolutely not. It has only been a few days since that horrible thing.
Has he been open with you so far?
I saw him for the first time just before and during his interrogation. It was a few days ago. It is very difficult to say, more so because he was clearly in shock. Obviously in shock.
The police have said they do not understand the motivation, have you any idea or has he told you what caused him to do those things?
I have thought about it, but it remains very hard to say. It certainly includes unfortunate circumstances coinciding and very poor decisions.