Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas on Friday submitted a proposal to President Kersti Kaljulaid to release Minister of Foreign Trade and IT Kaimar Karu from office.
Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas on Friday submitted a proposal to President Kersti Kaljulaid to release Minister of Foreign Trade and IT Kaimar Karu from office.
The Estonian Conservative People's Party (EKRE) announced on Friday that the party is recalling the foreign trade and IT minister, who is part of the EKRE government delegation, from government.
As, according to the coalition agreement, EKRE is responsible for political leadership in this area of activity, the prime minister submitted a request to the president for the minister's release from office.
The prime minister thanked Kaimar Karu for the dedicated and professional work done in the government. "I sincerely wish Kaimar success in all his future challenges," Ratas said.
Deputy chairman of EKRE Martin Helme said on Friday that instead of Karu, public officials had been in charge of the minister's portfolio.
"The party decided today to replace Kaimar Karu as minister. I would like to thank Kaimar for his work. Unfortunately, he and the party did not develop a working relationship of trust over the past six months. No team was formed with the delegation of other ministers, either," Helme wrote on social media.
"What likely played a role here is that he entered top-level politics without any prior political experience, which is why he did not comprehend that hundreds of people work hard for years in order [for a candidate] to attain a minister's position. As a result of this work, votes are awarded at elections for the implementation of certain values and policies. Voters, members and leaders of the party expect for the party's minister to implement the policies of the coalition and the party. In this case, the portfolio of the minister of foreign trade and IT was not held by EKRE but by a Party of Officials," Helme said.