The aim of the visit is to draw attention to the climate crisis and demonstrate opportunities offered by digital society and e-Governance, the president’s office said.
„When admiral Bellingshausen began his journey 200 years ago, the oceans of the world were much cleaner and our fears for the Earth were much smaller. The water in the oceans and the air in our atmosphere do not recognize national borders. Polar areas, the coolers of our world, are also extra sensitive to changes in climate. Therefore, they are on the frontline of global warming. The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the places where the warming is happening very fast,“ Kaljulaid said after landing on King George Island.
"One day, these changes may pass the point of no return and drastic fluctuations may make the climate and living environment of our planet considerably different from what we are used to. Climate change concerns all the countries of the world and the solution must also be found together,“ the president added.
„Estonia has always been a seafaring nation. Today, we are also a digital nation. Being a digital society means geography does not matter anymore – we can do business, run the country and communicate with our loved ones wherever we are in the world. I intend to demonstrate in Antarctica how a digitally advanced society like Estonia allows its citizens to do their everyday work online no matter where they are located,“ Kaljulaid said.