How to avoid a situation such as when the supervisory board of Port of Tallinn was full of representatives of the ruling Reform Party that all failed to pick up on Estonia’s largest ever corruption case happening right under their noses? How to ensure both political representation and effective control?
The Appointment Committee is a good solution. Before it was formed, politicians got together in backrooms and decided who would sit on supervisory boards. This led to a situation where supervisory boards were manned with incompetent people. Today, a politician cannot just appoint a party man. The person needs to be qualified but also share the ruling coalition’s values.
State-owned company supervisory boards should have members with ties to coalition parties?
No, I would not bring party affiliation into it at all, what matters is whether they support the coalition’s values. If they understand, for example, that power transmission fees need to be lowered, it doesn’t matter which party they belong to.
Having them say that the company needs to be very profitable and run like a private enterprise, that is what I believe is wrong. Such a person would not be a good fit and would not get my vote.