It will not be easy, but we can play a more neutral role as a small country and look for common ground or try to build a bridge. There are options.
While some moments will be more difficult than others, giving up achieves nothing. We need to propose constructive solutions, listen to both sides, maintain discussion.
It is also a broader issue. Several people have asked me what does it matter when the UN is just a bureaucratic chartroom. The benefit is people talking to each other, trying to explain their positions and looking at differences to see whether something constructive could come of them.
The Security Council is one of the more tangible bodies of the UN.
Absolutely. We have no experience from that body. So far, we have only sat behind the horseshoe table for open debates. Serving as a voting member and having a position on all matters is a new, interesting, intensive and difficult task.
Coming back to differences, Estonia might face a situation where countries that usually stand on the same side disagree on some matters and where we will have to make a decision. How will we act?
I believe we will follow both our convictions and recent behavior. Many issues have been on our table in different context, whether in the General Assembly or on the EU level where we will have a position from before.