I’m not saying the Chinese are right when it comes to these things. God no. But we need to understand these differences and make sure the free world does not fall behind in technological development.
Would you be willing to accept an automatic face recognition system in the streets of Tallinn?
Yes, if I know who collects the information and the rules for its use and destruction. Provided I do, and provided the state has the capacity to monitor it, then sure.
President Kaljulaid, was 2019 a good year for Estonia or a failed one?
It was good in many ways. Estonia has gotten 63,000 e-residents in five years who are paying far more in the way of taxes than we are spending on the program. Our economy has done well in other sectors. Entrepreneurs have understood the time has come to place stock also in GRDP, not just GDP. We can see businesses opening factories in cheaper locations. We are copying what the Scandinavians did in 1994-1995.
We got a seat at the UN Security Council that shows Estonia contributes to security. It was a good year for Europe because European Parliament elections saw a greater turnout than previously. As a result, we have a European Commission that dares make important decisions. There has been a lot that’s positive.
At the same time, there are worrying prospects. Less than beautiful seeds have been sown this year and we do not know the flowers they will bloom. There are signs of danger. But people are still good for the most part!