The committee’s investigation will focus on analyzing documents intended for in-house use and those that are publicly available, like correspondences, minutes, newspaper articles etc., reconstructing events and establishing a timeline. The committee’s final report might also include proposals and assessments should it prove possible to arrive at them. “That will mainly depend on the materials we will collect, what we can do with this material,” Peterkop added. “That said, should the material not allow us to form a timeline, we will not be inventing one,” the state secretary said.
For as long as the committee studies materials tied to Järvik, PM Jüri Ratas can avoid passing judgment on the rural affairs minister. He demonstrated as much during yesterday’s Riigikogu Question Time. “We will wait for the results of the investigation. I will not engage in guesswork before that time,” Ratas told Reform Party MP Jürgen Ligi when asked for the reason Järvik refused to authorize PRIA to represent the state’s interests in court. True, the PM had previously read out a few extracts from the rural affairs minister’s correspondence.
EKRE deputy chair Martin Helme also mentioned the committee in the Riigikogu, saying that it will meet with the persons involved in the interests of clarity if necessary. EKRE Riigikogu group head Helle-Moonika Helme told ERR yesterday that she will trust the results of the committee’s report whatever they may be.
The committee’s report needs to be on the prime minister’s desk by November 23 at the latest.