The Social Democrats were in the red with slightly more than 3,000 euros in the end of the 2018 financial year, but it was complemented by a 550,000 loan this year, which they are gradually paying back.
“The financial situation of the party is nothing to boast about due to the obligations incurred during the two elections, but we shall manage,” explained Rannar Vassiljev, secretary general of SDE. In his words, out of the 175,000 euros mentioned in the ERJK report as of end of September, 49,000 euros still have to be paid at present. The sum is expected to be met by the end of the year at the latest. The Social Democrats hope to pay back the bank loan before the next local election in 2021.
Transparent loan
On the other hand, ERJK has pointed out the Social Democrats’ bank credit in a positive light, since this form of financing is highly transparent, unlike the agreements between political parties and enterprises. The latter cases may pose some questions. “For instance, to what extent corruptive situations may occur,” explained Liisa Oviir, chairperson of ERJK.
According to the Political Parties Act, a long-term debt of significant amount to an enterprise can be viewed as extending credit to the party or granting a loan, which the law does not permit.
In ERJK opinion, the large debts indicate inadequate financial planning on part of the parties. Weak financial situation may also lead to payment problems. “Such long-term indebtedness cannot be considered a regular feature of economic activities either since it harms the business interests of the creditor,” Oviir emphasized.