Free movement of labor in the EU quickly led to completely unchecked movement. “Politicians must demonstrate there is a system for immigration that is fair, in control and beneficial for the country.”
Asked how to get politicians to return to the path of rational and sensible action after “years of Brexit, Trump and everything else,” Cameron said that the real concerns of people need to be addressed. Concerns over globalization, income of the middle class, immigration.
Race with five horses
Regarding the main problem in UK politics, the former prime minister pointed to the government’s lack of a parliamentary majority.
“The United Kingdom is currently a five-horse race: to leave the EU with a deal, to leave without a deal, to hold a new general election, to hold a new referendum or not to leave the EU at all,” Cameron said.
He said that right now you can wake up predicting a different outcome every morning.
“I still believe leaving with a deal to be the likeliest option. It would be the most sensible,” Cameron said.
Estonia to take the lead
Cameron also mentioned Estonia in connection with digital topics at the prestigious forum.
“The aim of policy is to try and make sure a country’s economy has a fair chance at success in the future. To give people the chance to get a good education and find gainful employment. The world is witnessing rapid technological advancement – Amazon is upending the book market, Uber the taxi market and fintechs everything to do with banking,” the former PM said.