In the next three years, it must be decided what the future of maintaining transport connections with big islands and the organisation of ferry traffic after the expiry of the contract in 2026 will be like. If the state wants to use the option to buy out the ferries after the expiry of the contract, the carrier must be informed about this on 30 September 2022 at the latest and the money required for this must be allocated in the state budget strategy (SBS) and, on the basis of this, in the 2026 state budget at the latest. As 106.4 million euros is obviously too much to be included directly in state budget expenditure, it is necessary to develop the respective financing scheme. Also, when ferry traffic is planned, it must also be kept in mind that although the volume of the trips described in the procurement had not been reached by 2018, the rapid increase in the number of passengers and vehicles has already resulted in the use of additional ferries and trips in the summer period.