Head of Alarm Center West Küllike Uzjukin was critical. “When buying tickets to the event, every guest trusts the organizer with their health and wellbeing. It is extremely regrettable something like this was allowed to happen, and I hope everyone involved will draw the necessary conclusions,” she said.
It is hard to say what kind of conclusions the tipsy medics and the organizers that relied on them have drawn. Main organizer Paap Uspenski refused to comment on both Saturday and Monday.
“I have much more important things to do. It is not a priority for me. It is in the past; the festival is over, and everything is fine. We can talk about it a week from now,” Uspenski told Postimees yesterday.
Just like Postimees, the Estonian Health Board was also on the trail of the initial medical team and festival organizers yesterday.
Chief specialist of the board’s emergency medicine department Kalev Pahla said that the agency will contact the organizer to determine who offered medical services at the festival and whether they were certified to do it.
“If we have reason to believe the service was not of high quality or safe, supervision proceedings will be launched. Pahla said that medics are not allowed to work in a state of intoxication.
What are the requirements for medical assistance at public event? The board admitted that there are no fixed requirements.
“The organizer needs to base their decisions on risk analysis and ensure local medical assistance as necessary,” Pahla said.
The security plan sent to Saaremaa rural municipality by the organizers of the I Land Sound festival reads that the festival has an aid station. People who need medical assistance should be directed to the station or to Orissaare ER.