You said it is difficult to say where officials lost their courage. They must follow the law; what room is there for courage? The law does not entertain creative solutions.
On the contrary. The constitution states that a person’s problem needs to be solved in whichever legal way as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. In the case of the impure well water, legislation exists and is clear enough for a solution to be found, potential polluters called to order and the well fixed.
I have heard it said that the problem at Kassinurme farm cannot be solved through legal channels because it will open the door to other people demanding a new well on the taxpayer’s dime. If the state cannot stop pollution of groundwater, it is obligated to help other people too, provided their claims are just – naturally. If someone knowingly ruins their water, builds a septic tank improperly, it is something that can be ascertained, and in that case, the person will not be compensated.
We have heard the same story elsewhere.
When an Abkhazian Estonian is given citizenship…
Exactly. The law needs to be followed with one’s face turned toward the person. If another person has the right to the same benefit, it needs to be given to them. And if there are people who poison their own wells or file falsified documents, the state must have the capacity to investigate these matters and say “no” where necessary.