Pern said that proving money laundering offenses would be simpler if money laundering agreements were treated as a crime evidence of which could be obtained by using methods of surveillance.
Members of the committee who met with the finance minister included representatives of several ministries, the tax board, prosecution, police, Bank of Estonia and the financial inspectorate.
Helme sent a letter to investigative and supervisory agencies in early June, asking for a summary of anti-money laundering activities in 2007-2015. Suspicious transactions and Danske Bank and Swedbank took place during that time period.
The Estonian Financial Supervision Authority also compiled a summary of its own.
Lessons learned
“We talked about how the financial watchdog has come along since then, how we’ve learned from past cases, and that was mostly it,” said member of the board Andre Nõmm.
He said work has been done to render exchange of information between agencies more effective. “Talking about cooperation with the prosecution, money laundering data bureau or the central criminal police today, I dare say it is on a whole other level than it was a decade ago,” he said.
Nõmm feels bigger fines are needed as the inspectorate currently lacks levers with which to punish banks that have cost society a great deal. “The maximum fine amount of €32,000 provided by the credit institutions act is like throwing a pinecone at a tank,” Nõmm said.
Minister Helme also said that the government is preparing draft legislation to introduce bigger money laundering fines for banks stretching into millions.