Is LHV also planning a hunt?
We are a listed company and cannot comment.
Has the new government managed to ruin Estonia’s reputation?
I believe that reputation is overrated in this case. Estonia’s reputation has been long in the making. Barring an event that unleashes a media feeding frenzy, such as a mass murder, reputations change slowly.
I recently met with an old acquaintance who represents an international institution in Estonia. They did not seem shocked at all. I believe these things get exaggerated. Perhaps if something happens that makes the news in USA, perhaps that could do some damage. But it has not happened so far.
Is Estonia too expensive? Is it a problem that we have to pay €3 for a cup of coffee?
Life has definitely become more expensive in Estonia, but people’s income has also come along. I recently hosted a person who last visited Switzerland ten years ago. They said that if everything seemed garishly expensive then, it just seems expensive now.
And compared to Estonia, not that expensive anymore.
Should we be talking so much about border trade and the excise duty on alcohol?
It is first and foremost something that concerns alcohol producers. Reading the news, it does not seem like something that is vital from the state’s point of view. But because people consume a lot of alcohol, this topic has been paid too much attention.