Written down in the coalition agreement
In any case the policy debate cannot wait for long. Solving the legal problem of the Abkhazia Estonians’ citizenship has been included in the government’s recent plan of actions. It is also included as an item in the coalition agreement of the three parties concluded in April.
The coalition’s goal is to find the solution by August and even though the content of the analysis is not known to the public, any potential solution presumes amending the citizenship act.
According to information available to Postimees, one submitted solution recommends including an exception to the act permitting Estonians residing in Abkhazia retain some other county’s citizenship as well.
Minister of the Interior Mart Helme confirmed to the daily that an exception permitting dual citizenship to Abkhazia Estonians. “But this is not yet a made decision. It is an option,” Helme added.
The relevant department head Ruth Annus did not deny it either as we asked whether the claim regarding a possible exception is true.
“The analysis concerning the Abkhazia Estonians has different options of solution. It is not yet clear which one will be implemented, since the coalition partners have not made the decision yet,” she answered.