100,000 euros per week
Arumeel does not confirm Kirjanen’s claims. He says that the incidents resulted only in lost time rather than wasted money.
“Even if it is true, then time is literally money. The cost of Omniva’s IT developments at the time we worked there was roughly 100,000 euros per week,” Jaak says.
The revenue of state company Eesti Post in 2017 was 1.1 million euros, meaning that the annual profit could pay for two and a half months of the IT team’s work.
According to the public procurements register, IT services worth 6.5 million euros were purchased for the development of Phoenix. The name Phoenix disappeared from the documents after an IT procurement in 2018 at an estimated cost of further 3.5 million euros. The salaries of the in-house working team, which amounted to roughly 30 percent of cost according to former team members, should be included to it.
Thus the estimated cost of the IT developments amounted to 13 million euros, nearly three times more than the initial estimate.
“All these problems should have been solved for 4.5 million,” Jaak claims. If that is true, the cost of the IT development increased by eight annual profits – a sum sufficient to hire some 600 mail carriers.
“These figures cannot be compared. They are not directly related,” board chairman Arumeel rejects the accusations. He explains the extra expenses with the fact that the needs for investment are reassessed every year ad it is logical that e-trade, being technology-centered, needs new developments all the time.