If recently the “Olukorrast riigis” program merited around a dozen reactions per show through ERR’s ethics adviser, feedback now becomes constant. Complaints concern word choice, fact checks etc. The letters have a common trait – they all demand a reply.
The tactic is familiar, perfected by Varro Vooglaid’s alternative media portal Objektiiv: make it personal. Demand answers, wear down, nitpick – they will eventually pull back.
The hosts are unclear about whose side ERR is on. At one point, irritated, Karnau asks ethics adviser Tarmu Tammerk for a list of words he is not allowed to use – it would be faster that way.
The next boiling point follows soon after. On April 14, Lobjakas says on air that President Kaljulaid should refuse to appoint some EKRE ministers to keep “racists, anti-Semites and other such trash” out of the government.
Tammerk is cross. Lobjakas apologizes on the show but is forced to do it again next week.
Tensions flare again after a week of silence on Tuesday last. “I was told that it would be best if I took a few months off in the summer, leave the show temporarily,” Lobjakas recalls his conversation with Rajasaare.
Lobjakas gets the impression Rajasaare, who has always supported his journalists, is not speaking his own mind, and the idea is from a conversation with Tammerk and Rõõmus.